Sunday, August 3, 2014

Reasons for Being

I started this blog as part of an ongoing project for a college course - an upper division English/Education class called A Global View Through Children's Literature -  that I had to drop out of, thanks to financial aid restrictions. Which sucked, because I'd already bought the required texts and I was really enjoying where the course was headed. I still managed to graduate with a BFA in English/Creative Writing (and yes, you don't need to tell me; I know my grammatical skills are still somewhat lacking). Since graduating in June, I haven't written anything beyond a few scribbled notes about ideas for poems or short stories I might someday write. Grad school is not on my immediate horizon; I'm more focused on trying to birth this baby, who now feels like a colossal watermelon that decided to take up residence in my abdomen. The next couple years promise to be full of late night feedings, poopy diapers (of course we have to make things harder for ourselves and commit to using cloth nappies) and balancing the needs of my two-and-a-half-year-old with the ever present, ever changing requirements of raising an infant. Less writing, more wiping.

So I'm not planning on diving into freelance writing, although it's something I've dipped my toes into, or taking the GREs, or completing my first poetry chapbook, all things college graduates with writing degrees are supposed to be doing. I am going to be a stay-at-home parent who hopefully is also going to be helping my partner start a small organic farm. On Guam, no less. I just like doing things out of order.

This blog, however, might help prevent me from losing everything I just spent far too long learning. It will be my stand-in writing project for the foreseeable future. Hopefully you can bear with me, and see what happens with it along the ride. If you're reading this, you're probably related to me or already know me in some way, so none of this should come as a surprise. So I should probably say: thanks for reading! thanks again for taking further interest in my life by checking out my haphazard late-night mom musings. Okay, I know it's just past 10 pm, but that might as well be 2 am in Pregnant Mom Time.

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